What is dondelotiro.com?
This platform is the reference website for environmental information and education on waste management.
In a free, easy and practical way, we make all the information available that is needed to manage waste properly (in a social, economic and environmentally responsible manner) for the public and government institutions; from prevention or reuse of waste to source selection or choosing the best place of deposit it.

What should I do if I find information that is not correct in dondelotiro.com?
Although we reached agreements with many entities regarding information updating, some points might have been altered or modified.
We would appreciate if you tell us about an incorrect collection point or any other type of information; please understand that we work hard to prevent this from happening. We will check and update our database to improve the platform so that other people can benefit from it.

Why does dondelotiro not work in my town?
The information available in the platform comes from different sources, towns, GIS, waste management companies, authorized agents, public and private entities, etc.
If dondelotiro.com does not cover your town, it is quite possible that the responsible entities have not yet provided this information. In this case, you are welcome to send us an e-mail, which we will use as information and to find a quick solution.

Who pays for dondelotiro?
Dondelotiro is a service completely free of charge for its users. Proceeds from this platform come from advertising, sponsorships, business services and collaborations.Based on our internal policy, all revenues come from companies strictly related to waste management.

What is our goal?
We at dondelotiro.com want to:
  • Facilitate the compliance of the environmental guidelines known as the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), contributing to higher rates of waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
  • Reduce the environmental impact and especially the economic costs associated with waste management.
  • Provide a unique, cheap and easy tool for public administrations to comply with the current legislation on access to environmental information.
  • Inform, create awareness and educate waste generators on the correct management of the waste they generate and how to improve their environmental behaviour.
  • Provide a tool for the design, development and implementation of public and private policies on this matter.
  • Facilitate a place for the exchange of waste, generating synergies between different users and/or companies, under the idea that "one man's waste can be an asset for another".
  • Facilitate a green marketing tool, with which entities committed with environmental values can unequivocally offer that image.
Who does this benefit?
  • It informs on how to generate less waste, how to separate it, when and how to deposit it and how to do it correctly and easily.
  • It is a fast, simple and updated way to find the closest points to deposit waste.
  • It allows the use or reuse of materials that may be considered as waste by some and as inputs (unfinished products) by others who may include them in their production process, avoiding unnecessary consumption and/or generating an economic benefit.
Public administrations:
  • It allows an increase in the rates of reduction, reuse, selection and recycling of waste in their territory, as well as the reduction of the associated environmental impact and economic costs derived from its management.
  • The platform facilitates communication between the administration and citizens, enabling the compliance with the various legal requirements on environmental information, since it offers all the available information on waste management.
  • It promotes awareness and education for citizens and businesses, providing accurate, detailed and updated information on the correct management of the waste they generate and how to improve their environmental behaviour.
  • It facilitate a place for the exchange of waste, generating synergies between different users and/or companies, under the idea that "one man's waste can be an asset for another".
  • It provides a tool for the design, development and implementation of public and private policies on this matter.
Enitites committed to protecting the environment:
  • It allows the general public to be aware of their existence and their work.
  • It facilitates a marketing tool with which institutions can provide an image that is unequivocally compromised with the environment.

If you have time and curiosity, we recommend reading the relevant information (good practices, tips...) included in the green section below the other deposit options.
This way you will know the exact location of the collection point nearest to any waste generated, allowing you to spend less time and money in your search and making recycling easier.

Why are alternative systems offered other than the one closest to my address?
We always offer more than one option when informing you about the most convenient place to deposit your waste. We think that although there may be a collection point very near your home, there may be another you like better or one that is on your way to somewhere.